Have the content you create work for you!

As business owners creating content can seem like a neverending task. But there are ways you can get more from the content you create. We will show you techniques for turning blog posts into newsletters and guides, and how to repurpose content to reach a new audience. From writing headlines that get you noticed to boosting your search engine ranking and extracting your most powerful content this course will help you get more from the content you create.

What's Inside

    1. Introduction and the Four Strategies

    2. Workbook and Content SWOT

    3. Marketing Workflows to help you optimise your content marketing

    4. Lets Optimise Repurpose and Market some Content

    5. Next Steps and Further Resources to help you with Content Marketing

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 5 lessons

Meet Your Course Guide

Linda Reed-Enever

Linda Reed-Enever is an Ideas and Marketing Strategist who boasts a unique knack for helping businesses and individuals tap into their marketing, branding, and business potential. Linda leads the Impact team at Enever Group and is the founder of Business Business Business, The Marketing and Course Creators Circles. She draws on both her educational background and over 20 years of experience in the marketing arena, to help businesses and individuals build their profiles and take their ideas to market. Linda’s expertise encompasses innovative ideas that span marketing, public relations, course creation, social media, marketing automation, and branding. She has a talent for simplifying complex topics to help business owners build their profile, their brand, and their expertise.

Linda Reed-Enever

Ideas and Marketing Strategist

By the end of this course

You will know how to

  • Get more from your content you have and create

  • Use optimisation, and automation strategies

  • To repurpose content to reach a new audience.

Get More from Your Content